You can enter one or more telephone numbers or change an existing number. The information obtained by Aide financière aux études will only be used to grant you financial assistance if you qualify and, if applicable, to recover financial assistance overpayments or your loan in the event that you do not respect the repayment terms and conditions. For more information about the Loans Program for Part-Time Studies, see the Aide financière aux études website. Categories of persons who will have access to that information. Receipts and back-up documentation. How to enter or change your telephone number. : 819 821-8000, p. 61990 . If you stop or resume living with your parents at their residence after you have filed an application under the Loans and Bursaries Program for the current award year, you must also inform us of that change in your situation by filling out the form Declaration of Change - Student, which you can obtain by clicking on forms of our web site.Mail it to the following address:Aide financière aux études1035, rue De La Chevrotière, Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5We wish to remind you that you must inform us of any change in your situation that occurs over the course of the year and that could affect the amount of assistance awarded to you. Aide financière aux études publishes annual statistical reports (available only in French) that reveal the extent of the major financial support provided to students by the Québec government. Téléphone : 514 987-3135 Courriel: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Services en ligne; Prêts et bourses pour études à temps plein; Prêts pour études à temps partiel; Bonifications au Programme de prêts et bourses; Remboursement d'un prêt étudiant; Programme d'allocation pour des besoins particuliers – Adultes; Programme d'allocation pour des besoins particuliers – Jeunes Aide financière aux études will email you information about your file, as … Thème 13: L'aide financière aux études Groupe 07: Michelle Jeon, Julia Wong Projet présenté à Mme Maryse Blanchette Collège Durocher Saint-Lambert 11 juin 2018 If you are using our On-Line Services for the first time, click on New registrant. Aide financière aux études : Samedi 9 janvier 2021: Login to On-Line Services Log in to access Aide financière aux études On-Line Services. By providing your exact coordinates, you will be sure to receive all your correspondence. Under the tab Your file, you will find detailed information relating to your file, including messages we have sent you and the assessment results posted in the Financial Assistance Statement. Provide us with a valid e-mail address in the Your information tab and you’ll be notified as soon as your tax slips are available, thus avoiding potentional mail delivery delays. How to enter or change your e-mail address. À d’autres occasions, elle est mise en attente. Aide financière aux études: Eligibility Period. Il est de votre responsabilité de nous informer de tout changement. Fonds d'aide d'urgence de l'UQAM, Aide financière aux études (AFE), bourses d'études, soutien des gouvernements... Coordonnées. Over 8 Million Hits to Legal Line in 2020; Teamwork Makes the Dream Work; Legal Line continues to grow in 2020; Access to Justice Week celebrates it’s 5th year and Legal Line was there; A Blast From the Past ~ Valedictorian Speech; Categories. If you wish to change your password, click on Did you forget your password. Aide financière aux études. If you cannot find your address, click on the button Enter Address at the bottom of the screen. Only the amount of their contribution, if applicable, will be recorded in your file. Under the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, publrform their duties or administer their programs. Tél. When you enter information in your online file or fill out a form, the supporting documents and information gathered by Aide financière aux études are essential for the application of the Act respecting financial assistance for education expenses and the related regulation. Only the authorized employees of Aide financière aux études and the persons in charge of financial assistance at your educational institution have access to the information in your file. COURSES ETUDIANTS !! 1 844 714-2281, ligne sans frais au Québec. Connexion aux Services en ligne Identifiez-vous pour accéder aux Services en ligne de l'Aide financière aux études. Fill out the Identification section, then click on the Full-time forms tab and follow the link to the Declaration of Change form.We wish to remind you that you must inform us of any change in your situation that occurs over the course of the year and that could affect the amount of assistance awarded to you. New registrant. Sans frais: 1 877 785-2825. : 450 463-1835, p. 67665. You are not required to provide a number for each category. Wait for an email notification from Aide financière aux études telling you how much financial assistance you’ll be receiving. For more information, please contact Aide financière aux études, Client Services. CANADA, Téléphone: The “Eligibility Period” section indicates the number of months of study for which you received financial assistance under the Loans and Bursaries Program or the Loans Program for Part-Time Studies. If you decide to fill out and send us a form or you enter information in your online file you should know that we will only use the information required to answer your request and provide the necessary follow-up. Programme études-travail. Once you have provided an e-mail address, Aide financière aux études will communicate with you by e-mail. News; Access to Justice; For Everyone . It is important that you notify Aide financière aux études of any change in your mailing address within 30 days of moving. Université Laval If you forgot your password, click on Did you forget your password. In your online file, under the tab Your information, you can consult and update your information. Personal information is transmitted to another government organization only in the event that your request is intended for that organization or that such transmittal is required by law. - Duration: 17:55. If you need help, contact the financial assistance office of your educational institution. Vous n’êtes pas admissible à l’aide financière si vous avez arrêt temporaire pendant votre formation, c’est de votre responsabilité d’en aviser la responsable. Under the Online Services menu. Aide financière aux études: Permanent Code . The AFE will evaluate your application and issue you a statement informing you of the exact amount to be awarded to you. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. Éducation Québec 35,971 views. Important! Identification. However, you will receive an e-mail each time there is a development in your file. Some educational institutions and financial institutions appoint members of their staff to act as commissioners of oaths. Reasons for gathering personal information. The advantages of providing an e-mail address. Le Fonds d'aide d'urgence servira en priorité à soutenir celles et ceux qui ne bénéficient pas déjà de l'Aide financière aux études (AFE), ni de la Prestation canadienne d’urgence (PCU). If you have filed an application under the Loans and Bursaries Program and your income changes over the course of the year, you must immediately inform us of that change by filling out the form Declaration of Change – Student. The code appears on your secondary school report card, college transcript and all correspondence from the Ministère. Copies will be accepted in most cases. Campus de la santé. Aide financière aux études 1035, rue De La Chevrotière Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5 → Download a sample here → Click here for the Service Contract 9. Aides au paiement des factures : eau, téléphone, électricité, gaz Aides et prêts pour l’amélioration et la rénovation énergétique de l’habitat Location immobilière Téléphone : Veuillez indiquer votre question concernant le programme des prêts et et bourses : Campus principal. Enter your Social Insurance Number (SIN), date of birth and email address. The loan is usually for the tuition amount. If you provide an e-mail address, be sure that it is valid. The following persons are authorized to administer oaths: lawyers, notaries, justices of the peace, mayors, municipal clerks and commissioners of oaths. You must also be sure to enter the same e-mail address in both fields provided for that purpose, then click on Save. Some universities use their own permanent codes or student numbers. You will be asked to provide your civic number, postal code and apartment number, if applicable. Local 2546 Documents that do not meet the requirements stated below will not be accepted. Electronic tax slips have the same legal standing as paper ones. How to ensure that you receive all our messages. Elle patiente alors jusqu’à ce qu’un message automatique l’informe que la communication sera coupée en raison d’un nombre élevé d’appels. This program only provides loans. L'ENAP offre des programmes d’études de maîtrise et de doctorat pour les gestionnaires et les professionnels du secteur public ainsi que des services de formation continue, de sélection de personnel, d’évaluation des compétences, de gestion de la carrière, de coaching, de conseil en gestion et d’appui à la gouvernance tant au plan local qu’à l’échelle internationale. Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, The obligation to immediately repay assistance overpayments, Disqualification from the Loans and Bursaries Program and the Loans Program for Part-Time Studies for two years. For other forms, ask the issuing body, which is often shown in the Details link for individual document categories. *** IMPORTANT NOTE for the end of … If you wish to change your password, click on Did you forget your password. If you receive student financial assistance, you are required to inform us of any changes in your situation that occur over the course of the year that could affect the amount of financial assistance awarded to you. 418 656-2471, Courriel: Afterward, simply click on Search at the bottom of the screen. Numéro de téléphone, site web et adresse de Aide financière aux études Service téléphonique interactif – Québec à QC - Inscriptions gouvernementales. Campus de Longueuil. AIDE AU LOGEMENT : Quelles aides pour ... Faire une demande d'aide financière en ligne - Duration: 6:02. Aide financière aux études 1035, rue De La Chevrotière, Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5. Tél. Aide financière aux études : Tuesday, January 12, 2021: Login to On-Line Services Log in to access Aide financière aux études On-Line Services. Tél. Full-Time Studies; Part-Time Studies . Adresse: 1290 rue Saint-Denis, local AB-4200, pavillon Saint-Denis (AB) Prêts et bourses. Faites votre demande d’aide financière intégralement en ligne via MyGuichet ou en utilisant le formulaire à télécharger sous « Formulaires». We encourage you to consult our Policy on privacy. Votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone et votre courriel doivent être à jour. Consult the processing dates for documents sent by regular mail or upload to Aide financière aux études. In its efforts to verify the accuracy of the information provided or to recover outstanding amounts, in accordance with the Act, Aide financière aux études may contact the following bodies: Note that you cannot access the information that your parents, spouse or sponsor provide. Section 5 – Student’s or Spouse’s Dependent Children (See Guide, page 9) Section 4 – Student’s Situation (See Guide, pages 7 to 9) Give the required information for each of your dependent children. Note that you will no longer receive certain documents by mail, including the Financial Assistance Statement. 6:02. If you are using our On-Line Services for the first time, click on New registrant. Malgré la situation actuelle, nous continuons d’offrir nos services par téléphone et par courriel du lundi au vendredi selon l’horaire habituel. Votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone et votre courriel doivent être à jour. Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins 2325, rue de l'Université Local 2546 Université Laval Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6 CANADA Téléphone: 418 656-3332. It is also important that you add our e-mail address ( to your list of approved senders (Contacts) to ensure that your mail filter does not block our e-mails. Il faut être aux études à temps plein et aux études pour un minimum de trois mois consécutifs pour être admissible au programme de l’aide financière. aide financière pour terminer mes études: je souhaiterais obtenir de l'aide financière quant à la poursuite de mes études en france j'ai un bac + 2ans universitaire email Right to access and modify the personal information you have provided to us, If your mailing address is inaccurate or has changed. Si vous utilisez nos services en ligne pour la première fois, cliquez sur Nouvelle inscription. Please note that you do not have to resubmit documents supplied with a previous application if the information contained in these documents is still upto- date. If you fail to do so within that prescribed period, the financial assistance installments to which you are entitled could be interrupted. 1 877 785-2825, Télécopieur: Voici les programmes pour lesquels vous pouvez faire une demande en ligne : Prêts et bourses pour études à temps plein; Prêts pour études … If you notice that your mailing address is inaccurate or has changed, you must inform us under the tab Your information of your online file To do so, simply click on Change. The information you provide in this section is used to determine your student category. The information obtained by Aide financière aux études will only be used to grant you financial assistance if you qualify and, if applicable, to recover overpayments or your loan in the event that you do not respect the repayment terms and conditions. If you fail to do so within that prescribed period, the financial assistance installments to which you are entitled could be interrupted. Student with parental contribution; Student without parental contribution; Student with spousal contribution; You need to check all boxes that correspond to your situation. Missing receipts or information or inaccurate information in your file could lead to problems such as: If you forget to notify us of a change of address. Si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe, cliquez sur Mot de passe oublié. 2325, rue de l'Université To ensure that your request is processed, enclose all requested documents. For each number entered, you must specify the related category. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt confirming that Aide financière aux études has received your form. Selon le programme universitaire choisi, les étudiants à la maîtrise peuvent s'attendre à recevoir de 12 000 $ à 18 000 $ par année, les étudiants au doctorat peuvent s'attendre à recevoir de 15 000 $ à 21 000 $ par année, tandis que les stagiaires postdoctoraux À certains moments, elle ne réussit pas à obtenir la ligne. Dans le contexte du COVID-19, nous vous prions de bien vouloir envoyer votre demande via MyGuichet ou bien par voie de courriel à Il est de votre responsabilité de nous informer de tout changement. The Permanent Code identifies you. These data compilations are useful to anyone interested in the impacts … Eligibility period. By providing your exact coordinates, you will be sure to receive all your correspondence. Providing an e-mail address is a fast and easy way to stay abreast of developments in your file. Pour faire une demande d’aide financière aux études, vous devez avoir en main votre code permanent et votre numéro d’assurance sociale. AFA (Aide financière aux études) Recent Posts. Remember to notify us of any change in your e-mail address so that it is always possible for us to reach you. Visualiser les pièces justificatives à joindre lors d'une demande d'aide financière. PDF versions of Aide financière aux études forms are available in the Forms section of our website. You will be transferred to a search engine for addresses. Simply click on the Enter or Change button and enter your number and extension, if applicable. : 819 821-7665. It is allocated by the Ministère. Provide a certified true copy of the original that bears the seal of the educational institution and the initials of the attesting registrar or student aid office employee. It is important that you notify Aide financière aux études of any change in your mailing address within 30 days of moving. If you forgot your password, click on Did you forget your password. Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière, Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins If you forgot your password, click on Did you forget your password. Aide financière aux études : Wednesday, July 8, 2020: Login to On-Line Services Log in to access Aide financière aux études On-Line Services. We always specify if the answer to a question is compulsory or optional., ©2016 Université Laval | Tous droits réservés, Unité de la Direction des services aux étudiants, Ressources financières disponibles – COVID-19, Undergraduate Studies’ Funding at Université Laval, Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies, Fondation Knollenberg – Concours Imagine que…, All about the Loans and Bursaries Program, Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière (BBAF), Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, refugee, or protected person under the, Be enroled as a part-time student (minimum 6 credits) in a recognized program at Université Laval and, Go to the Aide financière aux études website and log into, Ask your parents or spouse to fill out their. Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6 It is comprised of four letters followed by eight numbers. If you wish to change your password, click on Did you forget your password. You will then receive another email confirming your. You must submit all the required documents. 418 656-3332, Sans frais: Accéder aux services en ligne. Une personne éligible, mais non bénéficiaire, à l’AFE ou à la PCU, sera invitée à soumettre une demande de soutien financier à ces programmes. Télécopieur: 418 656-2471 Part-time students are eligible for loans for up to a maximum of 14 terms. Aide financière aux études: Using electronic format tax slips offers many benefits: Receive your tax slips in the most secure way. You are responsible for the information that you send us and for maintaining the confidentiality of your identification information. That information is essential for us to have a clear understanding of your student financial assistance needs and to determine your eligibility for our financial assistance programs. Enter your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and date of birth. Par la poste. If you are using our On-Line Services for the first time, click on New registrant. Important! Under no circumstances is such information used to compile a user profile or sent to a private organization. Likewise, they cannot access the information that you provide. To remain eligible, your total loans must be under the $8,000 debt limit. Instead of receiving a notice from Aide financière aux études by mail, you will receive an e-mail asking you to consult your online file. Aide financière aux études. We require that personal information to be able to verify your identity when you contact ic organizations may only collect the personal information that they require to peus, to process your request by accessing the appropriate financial information and to guarantee the confidentiality of your information. Votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone et votre courriel doivent être à jour. Formulaire pour joindre l'équipe du Programme études-travail. If the confidentiality of that information becomes compromised, please inform us as soon as possible to avoid fraudulent use of your identity. Full-Time Studies . Aide financière aux études also has a Loans Program for Part-Time Studies. Par téléphone. Service téléphonique Lundi, … Elle tente sans succès de communiquer par téléphone avec le service des renseignements de l’Aide financière aux études. Il Bureau des recours de l’Aide financière aux études Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur 1035, rue De La Chevrotière Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5 Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière. Under one of the forms tabs, you can consult the forms you previously filled out or sent, or you can fill out and send a new form, including an Application for Financial Assistance or Declaration of Change form. Aide financière aux études: Independence criteria . aide financière pour terminer mes études: je souhaiterais obtenir de l'aide financière quant à la poursuite de mes études en france j'ai un bac + 2ans universitaire email aide financière pour terminer mes études; chercher une aide financiere pour continuer mes études; chercher une aide financiere pour continuer mes études . La majorité de nos étudiants reçoivent un support financier mixte, c'est-à-dire provenant de plusieurs sources.

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