Año: 2019. Antigone, in refusing Creon’s pragmatic offer of compromise, in effect refuses to accept things as they are, insisting rather on how they should be. In so doing, we get to absolve ourselves, the general public, from the part we play at this strange moment in time, in looking to the Malalas and the Parkland survivors and the Greta Thunbergs of the world to save us from the mess we’ve made. And you can draw a straight line from many of its themes to “Antigone,” which is also interested in the perilous, social-media-assisted process by which a person — especially a young person, especially a young woman — can be remade as a symbol. Antigone 34 is a stylish, fast-paced thriller about the fight against organized crime in one of Europe's most beautiful cities. Tagged: Resume antigone scene par scene hjvpd This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by studybayws 1 day, 14 hours ago . Unlike her beautiful and docile sister, Antigone is sallow, withdrawn, and recalcitrant. Film Review: ‘Antigone’ Canada's Oscar submission is an intelligent, moving reworking of Sophocles' tragedy, electrified by a breakout turn from star Nahéma Ricci. Découvrez ici un court résumé d'Antigone de Jean Anouilh, jouée pour la première fois à Paris en 1944, sous l'occupation.Le mythe d'Antigone à inspiré de nombreux dramaturges, dont Sophocle et Racine. 31. Creon . Synopsis : Antigone est une adolescente brillante au parcours sans accroc. The Oedipus Trilogy by Sophocles is full of conflicts and clashes of views. Antigone opens Nov. 8 in Montreal, and Dec. 6 at Toronto’s TIFF Lightbox . Créonse lance alors dans une longue conversation sur le but de l’existence, maiselle ne porte pas ses fruits auprès de l’esprit déterminé d’Antigone, carleurs convictions divergent. She forces Creon to proceed with her execution. As he is no longer a minor, and already has a record of petty crime, the weak-willed Polynice faces deportation. The conflict between the main characters – king of Thebes Creon and his niece Antigone. In it, certain elements of plot seem to indicate that Sophocles, in this early period of his career, was still imitating the works of his predecessor Aeschylus. Canada's Oscar submission is an intelligent, moving reworking of Sophocles' tragedy, electrified by a breakout turn from star Nahéma Ricci. Antigone (v.o.f.) selon les conventions filmographiques. In punishment Creon orders Oedipus’s rebellious daughter to be entombed alive, lest she sow insurrection among the people. Both brothers died. Antigone. It is story of a driven young girl named Antigone who is determined to bury her recently deceased brother, Polynices, by defying the orders of the new king of Thebes’, Creon. Directed by Sophie Deraspe. Setting. Antigone Films, Adelaide, South Australia. Looks just like a Greek tragedy should and sounds like a made-for-TV melodrama. (There's a lot of upward mobility in this city-state. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 8 novembre 2020 à 19:37. One of them, Haemon (Antoine Desrochers), privileged son of local politician Christian (Paul Doucet), follows her home afterwards and a tentative romance begins. ISBN 2-7103-0025-7. Month of Greek Cinema: Film #5. Le film a été nommé Meilleur film canadien lors du Festival international du film de Toronto de 2019[2]. En effet, Créon, qui ne voulait pas être roi, aabandonné ce qu’il aimait pour régner. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Antigone . Antigone, convinced he will not be able to cope and aware that her own status as a legal minor will make her punishment much lighter, enacts a bizarre plan to impersonate her brother so that he can escape custody and flee. She steadfastly refuses and is detained indefinitely, becoming a literal symbol of #resistance, with her image stenciled all over the city and her soundbites turned into slogans by the devoted Haemon. © Copyright 2021 Variety Media, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. Y descargarlas para verlas sin conexión. Read an in-depth analysis of Antigone. But justifiable rage at the callous institutional mistreatment of foreign-born citizens and residents is only one of “Antigone’s” topical concerns. Festival international du film de Toronto, Festival international du film de Toronto 2019, https://www.filmsquebec.com/films/antigone-sophie-deraspe/, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Antigone_(film,_2019)&oldid=176390636, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à l'audiovisuel, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Prix du meilleur film catégorie Fictions lors du, Prix du meilleur film de l'année aux Écrans canadiens, Prix de la meilleure adaptation aux Écrans canadiens, Prix du meilleur montage aux Écrans canadiens, avec Geoffrey Boulangé, Prix de l'interprétation féminine pour un premier rôle à Nahéma Ricci, Prix de l'interprétation féminine dans un rôle de soutien à Nour Belkhina. No matching reviews. Creon vs Antigone Free Essay. Puedes verlas ahora. Antigone est un film québécois de la scénariste, réalisatrice et directrice de la photographie Sophie Deraspe.Ce long métrage a été choisi pour représenter le Canada dans la course au Meilleur film étranger de la 92 e cérémonie des Oscars [1] mais il n'a finalement pas été retenu parmi les finalistes.. Antigone is a 1961 Greek film adaptation of the Ancient Greek tragedy Antigone by Sophocles. Cselekménye. Antigone in front of the dead Polynices by Nikiforos Lytras 1865. Antigone, vient de renter au palais au petit matin après une mission secrète qu'elle révèlera un peu plus tard : ensevelir le corps de son frère, Polynice, laissé sans sépulture sur l'ordre du roi. After her father blinded himself upon discovering that Jocasta was his mother and that, also unwittingly, he had slain his father, Antigone and her sister Ismene served as Oedipus’ guides. A Dragon's Curse. A mű reggel kezdődik, amikor Antigoné húgának, Iszménének elmondja, hogy milyen szörnyű parancsot tett közzé Kreón az országban: testvérük, Polüneikész nem kaphatja meg a végtisztességet, nem temethetik el, míg másik bátyjukat, Eteoklészt az istenek íratlan törvényei szerint tisztességgel eltemette. With Claire Borotra, Anne Le Nen, Bruno Todeschini, Aubert Fenoy. biographie. But the authorities use underhanded methods — arresting Méni, setting bail beyond their means, dangling the carrot of citizenship — to get her to give Polynice up. Antigone is still as rash as she is in the original text, and still led by duty – though here it is not divine faith but a secular sense of doing the right thing that guides her. Home. And while in other hands the occasional frenetic amateur video or TikTok-style clip montage might seem painfully gimmicky, Deraspe’s sparing use of that aesthetic — always in the context of something that one of Antigone’s supporters might have made to share on social media — justifies the choice. 1924 - 1927: Antígona (Antigone), ópera de Honegger con libreto de Cocteau basado en la tragedia de Sófocles. Antigone Director: Patricia Skarbinski Scenic Design: Brandon Wardell Lighting Design: Graham Whipple Photography: Brandon Wardell. Résumé : Antigone est une adolescente brillante au parcours sans accroc. Résumé. Divine Laws v. Man-made Laws . Deraspe’s last film was the documentary “The Amina Profile,” which investigated the global catfishing incident that was the “A Gay Girl In Damascus” blog. Antigone. The film follows the story of the play closely, but ends differently–instead of Creon retiring back to the palace as in the play, the film ends with Creon retiring his kingship and exiling himself out of Thebes. But they are also children, and that should not be their job. Antigone's uncle. Antigone. Start your review of Antigone: Jean Anouilh. A modern adaptation of the classic Greek tragedy which falls within a social realism. Antigone director Sophie Deraspe, right, and actress Nahéma Ricci celebrate Telefilm Canada's nomination of the film as Canada's entry for best international feature in the Oscars' race in September. Sophocles’ “Antigone” is a tragedy. Washington: Us information agency. À l'adolescence, cette orpheline studieuse et vive s'éprend de Hémon, fils d'un influent politicien. 86 likes. ... Mejor Película Canadiense en el Toronto International Film Festival 2019, After her father blinded himself upon discovering that Jocasta was his mother and that, also unwittingly, he had slain his father, Antigone and her sister Ismene served as Oedipus’ guides. It stars Irene Papas in the title role and was directed by Yorgos Javellas. C reon and Antigone represent opposing sides in the thematic tension between loyalty and rebellion and between civic duty and familial loyalty. 6:07. comments. Lackluster acting that isn't bad, but a bit awkward physically, like everyone is very focused on their blocking.The costumes and sets are excellent, but it sadly can't make up for turning a dramatic tale like Antigone just kinda bland. For instance, both Antigone and Creon find themselves caught in a double bind, a situation in which they are doomed no matter which course of action th… Film Review: ‘Antigone’ Canada's Oscar submission is an intelligent, moving reworking of Sophocles' tragedy, electrified by a breakout turn from star Nahéma Ricci. But it also points to the single area in which Deraspe’s otherwise convincing, ambitious, many-tentacled storytelling falls a little short: Her film is both a critique of this process of mythologization and an example of it. Donde quiera que estés. Películas preciosas, interesantes e increíbles — una nueva, cada día. To the law of men, the young Antigone apposes her own sets of values. Canadian director Sophie Deraspe on her film Antigone, the ancient Greek tragedy set in present-day Montreal. Antigone, in Greek legend, the daughter born of the unwittingly incestuous union of Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta. Pour elle, la loi est intérieure. In the unstable aftermath of a civil war, Creon, the new King of Thebes, asserts his authority by forbidding anyone from honouring the death of the traitor Polyneices. Ce long métrage a été choisi pour représenter le Canada dans la course au Meilleur film étranger de la 92 cérémonie des Oscars mais il n'a finalement pas été retenu parmi les finalistes. From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes, the SparkNotes Antigone Study Guide has everything you need to ace quizzes, tests, and essays. Antigone (v.o.f.) Deraspe’s “Antigone” is one, too, though subtler, less about loss of life than loss of idealism, as Antigone begins to realize that no one else, no matter how much she loves them, can live up to her own ferociously high standards of loyalty and self-sacrifice. Antigone Analysis. Antigone est un film réalisé par Sophie Deraspe avec Nahéma Ricci, Rachida Oussaada. With Nahéma Ricci, Rawad El-Zein, Antoine DesRochers, Sebastien Beaulac. They are residents, though not citizens, having fled to Canada following the murder of Antigone’s parents — an incident described in moving, hazily-remembered detail by Antigone to her classmates. Antigone picks up in the same (uber-dismal) place that Oedipus at Colonus leaves off. Deraspe, acting as her own cinematographer, has an airy, fluid visual sense that lends dynamism even to sterile courtroom scenes, and that finds a riveting point of focus in Ricci’s light-eyed, steady gaze. 4 ISZMÉNÉ Én semmit ellenükre nem teszek, hanem A város ellen tenni sincs erőm elég. In addition to difficulties with the help of a genuine environment. 6:07. comments. The play's tragic heroine. The idyll is brief. Write a review. Antigone est bouleversée mais ne se décidepas à abandonner. Antigone is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles set in the Bronze Age at the dawn of day in the royal palace of Thebes. Dans cette version, Antigone est une jeune d'origine kabyle immigrée au Québec qui, à la suite de l'arrestation de son frère, alors que leur frère aîné vient d'être tué, met en place un stratagème afin qu'il puisse s'évader de prison. Antigone, Mejor Debut Canadiense en el Festival de Toronto, una implacable adaptación de la imprescindible tragedia de Sófocles en clave de cine social sobre una familia de inmigrantes en Canadá. Directed by Sophie Deraspe. ISZMÉNÉ Ó, én szerencsétlen, téged hogy féltelek! To the law of men, the young Antigone apposes her own sets of values. Ve el mejor cine. Creon ( Antigone's uncle) became the official ruler of Thebes. biographie. One of the main themes in the tragedy Antigone is a choice between civil obedience and family values. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Loosely adapted from Sophocles’ Greek tragedy, the award-winning Antigone delivers a subtle but scathing indictment of the current refugee experience in North America.An Algerian-born teenager living in Montreal with her tight-knit immigrant family finds her world shattered when her brother faces deportation after being arrested. Antigone Summary. ANTIGONÉ Értem ne aggódj, intézd csak tensorsodat! À quatre ans, Antigone quitte le Maghreb pour s'établir dans le nord de Montréal avec sa grand-mère, sa soeur Ismène et ses deux frères, Étéocle et Polynice. The film is also curiously mum on the ins and outs of this specific family’s refugee experience in Canada, using Antigone’s family drama as a universal signpost for the immigrant experience. Antigone is presented as a martyr (there’s even a hair-cutting scene that could come straight from “The Passion of Joan of Arc”) but it’s a little too easy to lay the blame for her martyrdom on venal institutions and compromised authorities.

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