The party's 4.3% support was the lowest score since the 1981 election and only one candidate, Marine Le Pen in Pas de Calais, reached the runoff (where she was defeated by the Socialist incumbent). [94] To promote his statesmanship credentials, he made trips to South East Asia, the United States, and Africa. [187][191], In the 2002 legislative elections, the first under the new gender parity provision in the French Constitution, Le Pen's National Front was among the few parties to come close to meeting the law, with 49% female candidates; Jospin's Socialists had 36%, and Chirac's UMP had 19.6%. [142] Twenty permanent employees of the FN were also dismissed in 2008. [70] The PS attained its best ever result with an absolute majority in the 1981 legislative election. [248] It became a duo in June 2019:[256], The position of General Secretary was held between 1972 and 2018:[248], As of September 2020, National Rally has 6 MPs; Bruno Bilde, Sébastien Chenu, Myriane Houplain, Marine Le Pen, Nicolas Meizonnet, Catherine Pujol.[257]. [113] The party won Vitrolles, its fourth town, in a 1997 by-election, where similar policies were pursued. Interest. [77] By July, 17% of opinion poll respondents held a positive opinion of the FN. The rhetoric used in the campaign stressed old far-right themes and was largely uninspiring to the electorate at the time. They have also been part of the Identity and Democracy Party (formerly the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom) since 2014, which additionally includes Slovakia's We Are Family and the Bulgarian Volya Movement. [225] Le Pen accused the banks of collusion with the current government. What does France's National Front stand for? [154] The international media described the results as "historic",[155][156][157] and "impressive", although the International Business Times suggested that "hopes for real political power remain a fantasy" for the National Front. Voilà un point commun entre la présidente du Rassemblement national et le président de la République : au-delà de l’avenir de l’Europe, c’est bien leur propre avenir politique qui sera en jeu le 26 mai. [178], In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen campaigned on a law-and-order platform of zero tolerance, harsher sentencing, increased prison capacity, and a referendum on re-introducing the death penalty. [57] The PFN was even worse off, and the election marked the effective end of competition from the party. Séparatisme : Emmanuel Macron, maître des horloges, Bureau politique à haut risque chez Les Républicains, Livres politiques : la bonne fortune de Gallimard. ", "Marine Le Pen temporarily steps down as Front National leader to concentrate on presidential bid", "The French National Front: On its way to power? Watch Queue Queue [127] The effects of the split, and competition from more moderate nationalists, had left their combined support lower than the FN result in 1984. [90][91] Several of its legislative proposals were extremely controversial and had a socially reactionary and xenophobic character, among them attempts to restore the death penalty, expel foreigners who "proportionally committed more crimes than the French", restrict naturalisation, introduce a "national preference" for employment, impose taxes on the hiring of foreigners by French companies, and privatise Agence France-Presse. Since 2013, that yearly net immigration rate was around 140,000 if one takes into account only people born abroad from non-French parents, but was around 33,000 if one includes also the departures and returns of French expatriates. In France, parties have to secure support from a specific number of elected officials, from a specific number of departments, in order to be eligible to run for election. Rassemblement de nomades numériques de l’Europe. Au secours !! [59] The campaign further lost ground when the Revolutionary Communist League published a denunciation of Le Pen's alleged involvement in torture during his time in Algeria. Partit polític francès. [169][170][171], In January 2019, ex-Sarkozy minister Thierry Mariani and former conservative lawmaker Jean-Paul Garraud, left Les Republicains (LR), joining the National Rally. [244], In 2019, RN MEPs participated in the first international delegation to visit India's Jammu and Kashmir following the decision by Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party government to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Having failed to cooperate in the European Parliament, Le Pen sought in the mid-1990s to initiate contacts with other far-right parties, including from non-EU countries. [194] The proportion of women in the party has risen to 39% by 2017. [224] Since November 2014, she insists that if a French bank agrees to give her a loan, she would break her contract with the FCBR, but she has not received any other counter-propositions. Le RN ne compterait plus que 25 000 adhérents à jour de cotisation, selon un haut responsable du parti. Nous sommes dimanche 10 janvier 2021 - Il est 01h31 sur "[160] The party's success came as a shock in France and the EU. [116][117] It also showed that the party had become established enough to compete without its leader, who decided not to run to focus on the 2002 presidential election. Academic: sfn error: multiple targets (3×): CITEREFShields2007 (, sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFDeClair1999 (, sfn error: multiple targets (3×): CITEREFCamusLebourg2017 (, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, National Centre of Independents and Peasants, municipal elections held on 23 and 30 March 2014, its parliamentary group between 1986 and 1988, National Institute of Industrial Property, rejection of the Treaty for a European Constitution, criticise the policy of the State of Israel, revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, "Vive la difference – has France's Front National changed? [125] Support for the parties was almost equal in the 1999 European election, as the FN polled its lowest national score since 1984 with just 5.7%, and the MNR won 3.3%. Bannon's remarks brought the members to their feet. Le Pen came fourth in the election with 11% of the vote, and the party won no seats in the legislative election of the same year. [182], The party's economic policy shifted from the 1980s to the 1990s from neoliberalism to protectionism. La note de la qualification sur le fil pour une 34e liste aux élections européennes. 192 talking about this. Pour sa rentrée politique 2020, c’est l’eurodéputé Jean-Paul Garraud que la fédération audoise du Rassemblement National (RN) a décidé d’inviter ce samedi, à Trèbes. As to the existence of gas chambers, it is up to historians to determine" (de se déterminer). [237] In February 2017, two more conservative Republican Congressmen, Steve King and Dana Rohrabacher, also met with Le Pen in Paris. O partito ye autodefinito como heredero d'a dreita nacional, estando o suyo establidor Jean-Marie Le Pen. "[208] According to the French media, party leaders had frequent contact with Russian ambassador Alexander Orlov and Marine Le Pen made multiple trips to Moscow. [121] During the 1980s, Jean-Marie Le Pen complained about the rising number of "social parasites", and called for deregulation, tax cuts, and the phasing-out of the welfare state. [33], The party's ideological roots can be traced to both Poujadism, a populist, small business tax protest movement founded in 1953 by Pierre Poujade and right-wing dismay over the decision by French President Charles de Gaulle to abandon his promise of holding on to the colony of French Algeria after the defeat of France in the Algerian War (many frontistes, including Le Pen, were part of an inner circle of returned servicemen known as Le cercle national des combattants). Page Facebook officielle de la fédération du Rassemblement National (RN) des Alpes-Maritimes (06) [129][145][146] Opinion polls showed the party's popularity increase under Marine Le Pen, and in the 2011 cantonal elections the party won 15% of the overall vote (up from 4.5% in 2008). The National Rally (French: Rassemblement national, pronounced [ʁasɑ̃bləmɑ̃ nɑsjɔnal]; RN), until June 2018 known as the National Front (French: Front national, pronounced [fʁɔ̃ nɑsjɔnal]; FN), is a far-right political party in France. [77] After some exchanges of letters, Mitterrand instructed the heads of the main television channels to give equitable coverage to the FN. [220], In November 2014, Marine Le Pen confirmed that the party had received a €9 million loan from the First Czech Russian Bank (FCRB) in Moscow to the National Front. "[58] Despite being the only nationalist candidate, he failed to gain the support of a united far-right, as the various groups either rallied behind other candidates or called for voter abstention. [140] For the 2004 European elections, too, a new system less favourable to the FN had been introduced. [131] In its 2001 programme, the party linked the breakdown of law and order to immigration, deeming immigration a "mortal threat to civil peace in France. [165] The name had also been used by the FN previously, for its parliamentary group between 1986 and 1988. Le Front National traverse-t-il une crise? [197] The FN was also one of several parties that backed France's 2005 rejection of the Treaty for a European Constitution. mi.)" Faces Its Next Big Test as France's Election Looms", "Far-right's Marine Le Pen leads in shock new poll", "Rise of the French far right: Front National party could make sweeping gains at this month's local elections", "Le Pen Family Drama Splits France's Far Right National Front Party", "The ruthlessly effective rebranding of Europe's new far right", "Japanese and European far right gathers in Tokyo", "France – A Guide to Europe's Right-Wing Parties and Extremist Groups", "Quelle doit être la couleur du Front national sur les cartes électorales? [136] The FN failed to hold on to Le Pen's support for the 2002 legislative elections, in which it got 11.3% of the vote. [219] Interviewed by the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz about the fact that some of her European senior colleagues had formed alliances with, and visited, some Israeli settlers and groups, Marine Le Pen said: "The shared concern about radical Islam explains the relationship ... but it is possible that behind it is also the need of the visitors from Europe to change their image in their countries ... As far as their partners in Israel are concerned, I myself don't understand the idea of continuing to develop the settlements. [221][222] Senior FN officials from the party's political bureau informed Mediapart that this was the first instalment of a €40 million loan, although Marine Le Pen has disputed this. Wear it like a badge of honor. [101] In November 1988, general secretary Jean-Pierre Stirbois, who, together with his wife Marie-France, had been instrumental in the FN's early electoral successes, died in a car accident, leaving Bruno Mégret as the unrivalled de facto FN deputy leader. Le Rassemblement national au bord du gouffre", 'The nation state is back': Front National's Marine Le Pen rides on global mood, "Chômage: comment l'État décourage le travail", "Economic Voting and the national Front: Towards a Subregional Understanding of the Extreme-Right", "Marine Le Pen, entre souverainisme et identitarisme", "Macron-Le Pen face-off: EU supporter vs. economic nationalist", "European elections 2014: Marine Le Pen's Front National victory in France is based on anguish, rage and denial". However, due to the French electoral system, the party only won 2 of the 2,026 seats up for election.[147]. [150][151][152], In two polls about presidential favourites in April and May 2013,[153] Marine le Pen polled ahead of president François Hollande but behind Nicolas Sarkozy. Pour une France en ordre.. pour la république, pour les francais amoureux de notre pays ! [135] In the end, Chirac won the presidential run-off with an unprecedented 82.2% of the vote and with 71% of his votes—according to polls—cast simply "to block Le Pen". [92] The party's time in the National Assembly effectively came to an end when Jacques Chirac reinstated the two-round system of majority voting for the next election. [97], The FN was hurt in the snap 1988 legislative elections by the return two-ballot majority voting, by the limited campaign period, and by the departure of many notables. [48][49], The National Front fared poorly in the 1973 legislative elections, receiving 0.5% of the national vote (although Le Pen won 5% in his Paris constituency). [29] By 2015, the FN had established itself as a major political party in France. [138], A new electoral system of two-round voting had been introduced for the 2004 regional elections, in part in an attempt to reduce the FN's influence in regional councils. [52] Le Pen sought the "total fusion" of the currents in the party, and warned against crude activism. [51] Otherwise, its official program at this point was relatively moderate, differing little from the mainstream right. [131] In the early 2000s the party denounced the Schengen, Maastricht, and Amsterdam treaties as foundations for "a supranational entity spelling the end of France. [60][61] Their competition weakened both parties throughout the 1970s. [198][231] In 2009, the FN joined the Alliance of European National Movements; it left the alliance since. The new name was put to a vote of party members. Comme franceinfo vous le révélait dès jeudi soir: cette liste intitulée "Union pour une Europe au service des peuples" a reçu le feu vert du ministère de l'Intérieur, malgré son retard, puisque la date limite de dépôt des dossiers était fixée au vendredi 3 mai. [114], In the 1997 legislative elections the FN polled its best-ever result with 15.3% support in metropolitan France, confirming its position as the third most important political force in France. [234] The EAF is a pan-European sovereigntist platform founded late 2010 that is recognised by the European Parliament. Pour lui, les européennes sont le premier étage de la fusée vers 2022. "La Déclaration des droits de l'Homme marque le début de la décadence de la France" (26 août 1989) J.M.Le Pen Histoire du parti politique Historiques politiques LE RASSEMBLEMENT NATIONAL Lundi, 05 Novembre 2018 6.5 FRancs Jeanne .. Les adhérents sont des Français issus de toutes classes socioprofessionnelles, de tous les milieux. [99][100] Other quarrels soon also left the party without its remaining member of the National Assembly. [77] In January 1984, the party made its first appearance in a monthly poll of political popularity, in which 9% of respondents held a "positive opinion" of the FN and some support for Le Pen. [183], In recent years the party still opposes immigration, particularly Muslim immigration from Africa and the Middle East. [195], From the 1980s to the 1990s, the party's policy shifted from favouring the European Union to turning against it. [33], During that party congress, Steve Bannon, former advisor to Donald Trump before and after his election, gave what has been described as a "populist pep talk". ", "Prêt russe au FN : Marine Le Pen publie les refus des banques françaises", "Marine Le Pen justifie le prêt russe du FN", "Financement du FN : des hackers russes dévoilent des échanges au Kremlin", "Austrian far-right in fresh push for EU respectability",, "Rep. Joe Walsh continues to fan the flames of Islamophobia—and it's accomplishing his goals", "Marine Le Pen's awkward day on Capitol Hill", "Marine Le Pen rencontre un élu américain connu pour ses propos racistes", "Steve Bannon to address far-right event in France where Marine Le Pen will reveal new name for National Front", "French MPs demand inquiry into Steve Bannon's links with Marine Le Pen", "Inevitably, Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen are now buddies",,,, "India Finally Lets Lawmakers Into Kashmir: Far-Right Europeans", "22 of 27 EU parliamentarians visiting Kashmir are from Right-wing parties", "F. Philippot becomes a vice president of the FN", "Marie-Christine Arnautu: Functions in the party", "Jean-François Jalkh: Functions in the party", "Florian Philippot: Functions in the party", "Jordan Bardella promu 2e vice-président du Rassemblement national", "Mes démarches / A votre service – Ministère de l'Intérieur", "France: The National Front As Prototype of the New Radical Right", "France: The historic victory of the Front National", "Marine Le Pen and the 'New' FN: A Change of Style or of Substance? [104] Following the event, surveys found that French public opinion was largely negative towards Islam. Mouvement d’envergure nationale, le Rassemblement National dispose d’une implantation sur tout le territoire. In the 2012 legislative election, the National Front won two seats: Gilbert Collard and Marion Maréchal. Autant d'obstacles en vue des élections européennes de l'an prochain. [26], While her father was nicknamed the "Devil of the Republic" by mainstream media and sparked outrage for hate speech, including Holocaust denial and Islamophobia, Marine Le Pen pursued a policy of "de-demonisation" of the party by softening its image. Issues included lower taxes, reducing state intervention, reducing the size of the public sector, privatisation, and scaling back government bureaucracy. 1 million, c’est le nombre d’adhérents qui confient aujourd’hui la protection de leur mobilité à l’ACA, 1er Automobile Club français. [198], Marine Le Pen advocated France leaving the euro (along with Spain, Greece and Portugal) - although that policy has been dropped in 2019. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker. [210], Since their entry into the European Parliament in 1979, the National Front has promoted a message of being pro-Europe, but anti-EU. During the following parliamentary elections, the FN received 13.02% of the vote, which represented a disappointment compared to the 13.07% of the 2012 elections. He has repeated the latter claim several times. [125][126] Many of those who joined the new MNR had joined the FN in the mid-1980s, in part from the Nouvelle Droite, with a vision of building bridges to the parliamentary right. [247], The party had five vice presidents between July 2012 and March 2018 (against three previously). During Jean-Marie Le Pen's presidency, the party has also been active in establishing extra-parliamentary confederations. [72] With only three weeks to prepare its campaign, the FN fielded only a limited number of candidates and won only 0.2% of the national vote. [189] In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen campaigned on pulling France out of the EU and re-introducing the franc as the country's national currency. This video is unavailable. Along with some other European parties, the FN in 2010 visited Japan's Issuikai ("right-wing") movement and the Yasukuni Shrine. National Institute of Industrial Property in 2013. [71] This "socialist takeover" led to a radicalisation in centre-right, anti-communist, and anti-socialist voters. "[223] Marine Le Pen argued that it was not a donation from the Russian government but a loan from a private Russian bank because no other bank would give her a loan. [135] Following the presidential election, the main centre-right parties merged to form the broad-based Union for a Popular Movement (UMP). [122] In the tenth FN national congress in 1997, Mégret stepped up his position in the party as its rising star and a potential leader following Le Pen. [181] The theme of exclusion of non-European immigrants was brought into the party in 1978 and became increasingly important in the 1980s. Following the Arab Spring (2011) rebellions in several countries, Marine Le Pen has been campaigning on halting the migration of Tunisian and Libyan immigrants to Europe. Direction le Rassemblement national: ... Depuis la présidentielle de 2017, le nombre d’adhérents des Républicains est passé de plus de 7.000 à seulement 2.000 dans le Nord. ... History is on our side and will bring us victory." On sait qu'on va faire un bon score aux européennes, mais un peu par défaut". Les deux tiers d'entre eux auraient donc déserté depuis la dernière présidentielle. In April 2017, she temporarily stepped down in order to concentrate on her presidential candidacy. These electoral defeats partly accounted for the party's financial problems. In October 2013, Bruno Gollnisch and Jean-Marie Le Pen resigned from their position in the AENM. The FN adopted a French version of the MSI tricolour flame as its logo. She has opposed the emigration of French Jews to Israel in response to radical Islam, explaining: "The Jews of France are Frenchmen, they're at home here, and they must stay here and not emigrate. [209] In May 2015, one of her advisers, Emmanuel Leroy, attended an event in Donetsk marking the "independence" of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. [102] In the 1989 European elections, the FN held on to its ten seats as it won 11.7% of the vote. He instead made an unambiguous commitment to popular capitalism, and started espousing an extremely market liberal and anti-statist programme. In 2007, it was part of the short-lived Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty group. Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2004-1203-500, Besetzung eines Büros der LICA durch die RNP, Reinigung.jpg 800 × 570; 64 KB. [166][167] On 1 June, Le Pen announced that the name change was approved by party adherents with 80.81% in favour. [94] Using a populist tone, Le Pen presented himself as the representative of the people against the "gang of four" (RPR, UDF, PS, Communist Party), while the central theme of his campaign was "national preference". "[197] It also proposed breaking all institutional ties back to the Treaty of Rome, while it returned to supporting a common European currency to rival the United States dollar. Christelle Lechevalier, a National Rally Member of the European Parliament (MEP), said many National Rally leaders held similar views as the GI, but sought to hide them from voters.[227]. [189] This was part of its shift away from its former claim of being the "social, popular and national right" to its claim of being "neither right nor left – French! "[196] In 2004, the party criticised the EU as "the last stage on the road to world government", likening it to a "puppet of the New World Order. [53] The FNJ were banned from the party later that year. [130] This resulted in the first presidential run-off since 1969 without a leftist candidate, and the first ever with a candidate of the far-right. [218], During the 2012 presidential election, Marine Le Pen sought the support of Jewish people in France. [121] While Bruno Mégret and Bruno Gollnisch, in an unusual display of dissent, favoured tactical cooperation with a weakened centre-right following the left's victory, Le Pen rejected any such compromise. Le Front national compterait désormais 83 000 encartés. [26] In the second round of voting, Le Pen was defeated 66.1% to 33.9% by her rival Emmanuel Macron of En Marche![163]. [187] She has recast the party's support for Israel, after affirming Israel's right to secure itself from terrorism, and criticising the leadership of Iran. [161][162], On 24 April 2017, a day after the first round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen announced that she would temporarily step down as the party's leader in an attempt to unite voters. Le RN est plus que jamais à la lutte avec la liste de La République en marche dans les sondages, à deux semaines des élections européennes. The FN drew most support in Central and Eastern Europe, and Le Pen visited the Turkish Welfare Party. [106] By the early 1990s, some mainstream politicians began employing anti-immigration rhetoric.

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