Lucifer personifies humanitarian goodness and enlightenment. These two half-brothers  did not get along. But in Genesis, Enlil seemingly reigns supreme. But the Age of Aries (unlike the Age of Pisces) was mercifully short. The oldest of the Anunnaki was Enlil, the god of air and chief god of the Sumerian pantheon. To strike back at Enki, and in the attempt to regain his power over humans, Enlil vowed to tarnish Enki’s reputation by spreading the idea that the serpent of wisdom was evil. Abraham and his descendants served Enlil, and followed his precepts. Yahweh decided to wipe out everyone and start over. Channeled by Lord Enki: “I have been with you since the first human memory was created. Following that, we find out that a major destructive flood is on its way, and the pantheon has decided not to warn humanity or do anything to save them. What are The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? As Enlil was the elder of the two, Enki had true right of kingship, according to Anunnaki bloodlines. “Abraham had experienced the vengeful Enlil first hand at the fall of Ur, and he was not about to take any chances with his own survival. And just guess who was responsible for their being uninhabitable in the first place!? Many people are familiar with the flood myth in the Bible. Enlil proposes that he will solve the issue of the strike if he is named supreme ruler of the gods. From "Ki" derives the Greek name for Earth, "Gi", and "Gaia". Whichever god possessed it was considered the ruler of the universe. He told Utnapishtim to construct an Ark. Bramley  has noted that, “We therefore find Ea [Enki] as the reputed culprit who tried to teach early man (Adam) the way to spiritual freedom. If there is a philosophy of Enki, it manifests and explains itself in early Mesopotamian and Egyptian thought, where the true creator of the universe was manifest within nature, and that nature enveloped both the Anunnaki, and the humans. There are many ways that I could approach this discussion, but I have decided that the simplest way to organize the information would be to write a summary on each. This suggests that Ea intended his creation, From a Biblical perspective, it was Enki who (with the critical assistance of his half-sister, Ninki, aka Nin-khursag) created, In the time of Noah, it was Enlil who either created the Great, In the Sumerian texts, we have the stories of Enki and Enlil, and for the most part there is portions devoted to each. Interestingly enough, it doesn’t seem to have been originally included in the tablets; it was edited into Tablet XI later by someone who was inspired by the Epic of Atrahasis. Even his father, Enki, must have wondered where he went wrong in raising his first son — a question not uncommon to, Just as Enki may have been given temporary, overt control over the Earth during the, For the fact remains that, circa 1950 B.C.E., after Enlil’s son, Ninurta, had failed to rally the Anunnaki troops on his own behalf — and thoroughly, For sometime (i.e. ( Log Out /  Perhaps you never heard about some Sumerian gods with names like, Enlil, Nin-urta, or Enki. While there are a number of “central characters” in the myths and legends of the Anunnaki, much of the action revolves around these two sibling rivals. A story from the Anunnaki Text, but which story is true? In this article, I am going to give you a crash course in the mythology of Enki and Enlil. I hope that you now have a much stronger understanding of both Enki and Enlil and their roles in Sumerian mythology and the Anunnaki alien mythos. He was later known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology. Nibiru is in a long orbit around the sun. In the Sumerian texts, we have the stories of Enki and Enlil, and for the most part there is portions devoted to each. The Sumerian flood myth is older than the one in Genesis, which is why I asserted with my title that the Sumerian story is the. If you are knowledgeable about Greek mythology, this probably will ring a bell—Prometheus, the ancient titan, created humanity out of clay. Yes, I deliberately titled this section “Genesis of the Flood Myth”—not “The Flood Myth of Genesis.”  If you have read anything about Anunnaki in the Bible, you likely knew I was going to get around to this. They were A-bombed. While I could simply tell a detailed chronology of events, I personally find it easier to remember information when it is presented in relation to specific characters. Chief among these stories was the continuing conflict between Enki and Enlil, the sons of the supreme god of the time, Anu. Both Enki and Nin-khursag (along with their brother Enlil, the later Jehovah) belonged to a pantheon of gods and goddesses referred to as the Anunnaki, meaning ‘Heaven came to Earth’. Sans un récit sur le Livre des secrets de Thot, écrit sur un papyrus datant du règne du roi égyptien Khufu (Chéops), l’existence de ce livre serait restée inconnue. As Laurence Gardner  phrased it:  “This muddled and unparalleled concept of Jehovah being right when he was wrong, honest when he was dishonest, was born out of an inherent fear of his vengeful power and unbounded wrath. The (radioactive) fallout of their actions then resulted in the final destruction of the Sumerian civilization (circa 2000 B.C.E.). And that common thread is the apparent equivalency in these cultures’ gods to the Sumerian pantheon and the Anunnaki. In an all out war of Enki’s humans against Enlil’s humans — complete with all manner of diplomatic subterfuge in the mix —, This latter event is critical as another turning point in the Enki and Enlil warfare, as it reflects a time, circa, Another son of Enlil and Ninlil was Nergal (Meslamtaea), King of the Underworld. But Enki was also the maternal grandfather who came to the aid of Inannawhen things went badly during her Descent into the Underworld. Enki, the Anunnaki Chief Scientist, his sons Nergal, Gibil and Ningishzidda as well as Marduk (Anu temporarily suspended Marduk’s exile for marrying Earthling Sarpanit) and Marduk’s son Nabu. (A fact which does not necessarily imply stepping back from covert control! [7] Then, Enlil cleaved heaven and earth in two [7] and carried away the earth [8] while his father An carried away the sky. Darkbird18's The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Darkbird18's Internet Information Blog, The Good The Bad and The Ugly. By some accounts, Inanna was also the granddaughter of Enki (as well as Enlil). It is worth noting thatZecharia Sitchin [2] claims that the biblical word for “snake” is nahash, which comes from the root word NHSH, and which means “to decipher, to find out.”  In other words, Enki, the God of Wisdom. Here was a deity who spared no mercy for those who did not comply with his dictatorial authority. Anu’s sacred number was 60, Enlil 50 and Enki 40. Awesome Inc. theme. The two function as very similar figures. Which might be just as well. At that point, Marduk becomes supreme ruler. Both gave him children. Enki’s role can be summed up as humanity’s. This is a myth preserved on Old Babylonian tablets, and is divided into four sections. The Egyptians, on the other hand, were Enki’s protégés, and based on food management practices during the devastating droughts around the time of Jacob and Joseph, were doing a lot better than Enlil’s followers. They came to earth to mine gold, which they require to power their civilization. Enlilites were the senior lineage in Nibiru’s Royal Clan descended from Nibiru's King ANU. It was Enlil, who drove them out of Edin, while Enki was there to clothe them. Enlil turned a blind eye, while Enki saved Inanna.) Enlil means "Master of the power of the air". Think about it for a moment. In this article, I am going to give you a crash course in the mythology of Enki and Enlil. Curiously, this event in the Annals of Earth turned out to be something of a Waterloo for Enlil. Enki saves humanity enlil sends the flood. Returning to Anu, Anu’s two consorts are Antu, Great Mother of the Sky, and Ki, the Earth Mother. The Sumerian records recorded in great detail the stories of the Anunnaki, and among these, that of Enki, Enlil, Ninki, Inanna, Utu, Ningishzida, Marduk, and many others. Ki and Anu bore Nin-khursag (Lady of the Mountain) and Enlil (Lord of the Air and Earth). Determined for Marduk, the firstborn of Enki. Enki was a child of An, the chief Anunnaki, and he had sex with a lot of deities to fill out An’s family tree among Mesopotamian gods. Obviously, someone — unlike their ancestral patriarch, Noah, had failed to back the right horse. Marduk (who would become the god of the Babylonians) was Enki’s first born, and that of Enki’s wife, the goddess Damkina. People often get it wrong. “When Enlil the survivors saw, Ninagal among them, `Every Earthling had to perish’, he with fury shouted’; at Enki with anger he lunged, to kill his brother with bare hands he was ready.” Ninagal radioed Ninmah and Ninurta, “Bring your whirlers down quick.” When this effort did not apparently produce gold in sufficient quantities, Enlil was brought in, given command, and armed with a new plan an unparalleled concept of Jehovah being right when he was wrong, honest when he was dishonest, was born out of an inherent fear of his vengeful power and unbounded wrath. There is then a missing section. They were Enki (Ea), Lord of the Earth and Waters (whose mother was Antu), and Enlil (Ilu), Lord of the Air and Lord of the Command (whose mother was Ki). If you happen to be versed in Greek mythology, you can think of these primordial gods as being a little bit like the titans who preceded the ancient Greek gods. During this time, Enlil never raised a hand to assist them. Marduk, Enki’s son, beats Tiamat in single combat, then defeats Kingu, claiming the Tablet and the authority for himself. I will describe how they inspired other mythologies and religions, including Christianity. In the Sumerian version, Enlil beats Tiamat and reigns supreme. His parents are two primordial gods, Anshar and Kishar. If you are learning about the Anunnaki, two names you are going to hear a lot are Enki and Enlil. Enki is the Sumerian god of water, knowledge, mischief, crafts, and creation, and one of the Anunnaki. In the time of Noah, it was Enlil who either created the Great Deluge/Flood as a means of wiping out mankind (because they supposedly made too much noise), or else refused to warn the humans or do anything to save them or help them to save themselves. That said, please read on. While there are a number of “central characters” in the myths and legends of the Anunnaki, much of the action revolves around these two sibling rivals. Enki, on the other hand, apparently against orders of the Anunnaki (who Enlil now controlled), provided the boat plans for Noah to build his Ark, and thus save him, his family (and likely a fair number of helpful artisans and their families). But the Age of Aries (unlike the Age of Pisces) was mercifully short. You now know the Sumerian and Judeo-Christian versions of the creation and flood myths. I will tell you more about Gilgamesh in a moment, but first I want to briefly talk about the Eridu Genesis. This is the story of Noah’s Ark. Further to the standing in the pantheon, Anu had a decision to make. Naturally the space alien theory doesn’t fly in the mainstream, but it was popularized by a Russian-born American author named Zecharia Sitchin. Anunnaki DNA Activation (mp3 audio) Posted by Nanaea - September 7, 2013 - Ascension Tools, Channelings, Enki. He translated many of the texts and was able to write a series of books on the matter. Just now I mentioned Enlil as the “Guardian of the Tablet of Destinies.”  This is a mythological object of supreme importance. And not enough gold was being produced for the Anunnaki command, Enlil was brought in. This would have enabled them to pick up on the Sumerian myths and legends and use them as a basis for their own religion. Enki claims in these tablets to have come to Earth to mine gold for their home planet Nibiru. who determines the destinies of the land. The Information I research online also has this theme behind it and like the movie; I'm after the Gold of truth at the end. So, in the myths, it was portrayed like as if Enlil and the other Anunnaki had corporeal bodies on earth. According to Laurence Gardner , “The dominant tenet of the new thought was based wholly on the utmost fear of Enlil, who was known to have instigated the great Flood [or else acquiesced in not warning the humans, or making any attempt to save them], and to have facilitated the invasion and destruction of civilized Sumer. Wars of Gods and Men. This is how we learned the Sumerian creation myth which I have already shared in part with you. According to the ancient Sumerian texts, the Sumerian god, Anu, the “supreme Lord of the Sky”, the currently reigning titular head of the Sumerian Family Tree, had two sons. Amusingly enough, Enlil eventually gets over his anger after the flood and decides to make Utnapishtim immortal. These two played a role in numerous different aspects of the mythos. Not that the guy (dba “God”) fled the scene, but thereafter, the idea of unilateral actions was a bit more constrained. Enki had been the first of the Anunnaki to hazard a trip to Earth to begin a mining operation for gold. Enki’s other wife was his half-sister, Nin-khursag (meaning “Mountain Queen”), the Lady of Life, also known as Nin-mah, the Great Lady. Arcanum Deep Secrets, "Little Brother is Watching Back". At this point, he and Ki took command of the earth, while Anu continued to reign in heaven. The Eridu Genesis was discovered on a fragmentary tablet by historian Thorkild Jacobsen. By nuclear weaponry! Different translations, with different meanings have been passed onto us. He was originally patron god of the city of Eridu, but later the influence of his cult spread throughout Mesopotamia and to the Canaanites, Hittites and Hurrians. "The Good The Bad and The Ugly Internet Information". The polarity “god” Marduk ascends to the throne after Enlil this can be seen in the book of Daniel if you read it carefully and realize Daniel equates YHWH to Marduk. If ancient humans encountered beings from another world, they would describe them in a language which made sense to them at the time. “The gods had clasped their hands together, They had given to Enki, the Prince of Earth.”, Enki was not happy about Enlil’s promotion and this was the start of bad feelings between the two brothers. It was Jehovah who had removed the Israelites from their homeland and sending them into seventy years of captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar II and his five Babylonian successors down to King Belshazzer (545-539 BC).”, This latter event is critical as another turning point in the Enki and Enlil warfare, as it reflects a time, circa 600 B.C.E., when Enlil was stepping back from the overt control of Earth. You will notice that Anu is not the first god in the family tree. Enlil’s mother (ki) was Anu’s junior sister, whilst Enki’s Mother (Antu) was Anu’s senior Sister. He was even prepared to sacrifice the life of his young son, Isaac, to appease the implacable God (Genesis 32:9).”  “The oriental scholar Henri Frankfort summarized the situation by making the point that… ‘Those who served Jehovah must forego the richness, the fulfillment, and the consolation of a life which moves in tune with the great rhythms of the earth and sky.”, Bramley  has noted that, “We therefore find Ea [Enki] as the reputed culprit who tried to teach early man (Adam) the way to spiritual freedom. An Anunnaki emissary [Jews called the emissaries “angels”], communicating to the Hebrew prophet Daniel, ordered the Jews to begin the countdown for Nibiru’s return from 160 BCE. the Age of Aries), Marduk took over Enlil’s subjugation of the humans — politics of the slavery kind made strange bedfellows. The last time it came close to Earth, it upset the tides, causing the great flood. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I am going to introduce you to Enki and Enlil and their place in the Mesopotamian pantheon, and then I will tell you how they figure into the ancient flood legend. Instead, it was due to the actions of his sons, Ninurta and Ningal. Together with his wife, he preserved life on earth when the flood was unleashed. Il arrive que nous sachions que certains textes ont existé sans pour autant connaître leur contenu, ce qui n’est pas moins frustrant. Now let’s talk about Enki, Enlil’s half-brother. Together with Damkina (originally a consort of Enlil), he sires Marduk, known as The Avenger. Introductory remarks Vril Society B. the Age of Aries), Marduk took over Enlil’s subjugation of the humans — politics of the slavery kind made strange bedfellows. So He told Noah to build a great Ark. . It is believed that around 445,000 years ago, ancient astronauts from another planet in the cosmos came to Earth in search of gold. Nanna and his wife, Ningal, were the parents of Inanna (who was called Ishtar by the Babylonians), and who married the Shepherd King Dumu-zi (the latter given in the Semitic Old Testament book of Ezekiel 8:14 as Tammuz). I urge you to read up on this topic in detail in my article “. There is however a Sumerian poem titled “Ninurta and the Turtle” which mentions that Enki possessed the Tablet. Members Area; Anunnaki Council; Search. Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years. Others include the Epic of Atrahasis and the well-known Epic of Gilgamesh. God put a rainbow in the sky as a promise He would never judge the earth again with another flood. It is quite literally supposed to be a clay tablet engraved with cuneiform. However, some information is open to “translation” and is widely disagreed upon. By another wife, Ninlil (Sud), Enlil had a second son, Nanna (Suen), known as the Bright One. Obviously Noah backed the right horse in that Enki shared boat plans with the righteous fellow — whom Enlil later claimed as his own. Just to complicate matters, this whole tale with Marduk only shows up in the Babylonian version of the myth. Anu’s sacred number was 60, Enlil 50 and Enki 40. She says: Enki wakes up and suggests the creation of a slave race—humanity. He married Eresh-kigal, the Queen of the Netherworld, the daughter of Nanna and Ningal (i.e. All other characterizations of Lucifer are blasphemous and inaccurate. So here are the absolute basics, just in case you are brand new to learning about the Anunnaki. It was he who had brought about the devastating Flood, and it was he who had leveled the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah — not because of their wickedness, as related in Genesis (18-19), but because of the wisdom and insight of their inhabitants, as depicted in the Coptic Paraphrase of Shem.,, He was associated with the southern band of constellations called stars of Ea, but also … Thus she was never, never at a loss as to what she thought she could do and get away with. This is where a lot of the stories of the Anunnaki converge. The Anunnaki Gods. Depending on the time allotted to each sign — whether it is 1/12th, or more likely the actual time spent in the sign — Marduk’s Age of Aries likely ran from roughly 2,000 B.C.E. ; it was only then that the cities of Sumer and Akkad were officially declared habitable again.”. com/AntiquityReborn #Anunnaki #Enki #Sumerians Enlil and Enki, two governors of Earth sent from Nibiru to rule Earth, were responsible for … True kingship, claimed Enki, progressed as a matrilineal institution through the female line, and by this right of descent Enki maintained that he was the first born of the royal succession. T. Appendix One The Programmers S ome of THE Illuminati's Companies A. As you can see, Enlil and Enki are half-brothers. At one point in his book, The Wars of God and Men, Sitchin writes: “There was great jubilation in the land when the great temple was rededicated to Enlil and Ninlil [Enlil’s wife], in the year 1953 B.C.E. Enlil tried to wipe out knowledge of the DNA coding Enki gave humans, and of what the Anunnaki used in order to have longevity ( gold ). ( Log Out /  But depending on who you ask, the Anunnaki may also have been alien visitors from a planet called Nibiru which is in a long orbit around the sun. You may see it incorrectly referred to as the “Tablets of Destiny.”  It is a. There are numerous parallels and arguments which Sitchin and other Anunnaki alien theorists draw across the texts. In the better-known. Enki decides he isn’t okay with this, so he warns a hero and tells him he should build an Ark. There is a lot of information about the Anunnaki. These fourteen tablets of Lord Enki also provide an overview of the emergence of life. And as you may also have guessed, Enki and Enlil are key players. She gives it to her consort Kingu, who becomes commander of her army. One such translator of these texts was Zecharia Sitchin. What are The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? It is easiest to describe the shape of this family tree by starting with. So he took it upon himself to warn Utnapishtim. All the familiar players from Sumerian mythology—Enlil, Enki, Anu, Marduk and the rest—were actually. But at one point, circa 2000 B.C.E., all hell broke loose. The fact that it became a very messy war was not necessarily Marduk’s fault. It was Enlil, on the other hand, who created “Edin”. Additionally, Enki and Enlil politically divided Earth for their descendants. Enlil’s role in Sumerian mythology can be summed up with reference to humanity in one word: Enlil was actually the god who (according to the Atrahasis-Epos text) originally commissioned the creation of the human race. The Anunnaki under Enlil’s command threatened him and condemned him to exile. You can get more context on this discussion by reading about Anu here and Enki & Enlil here. The fourteen tablets of Lord Enki (One of the Ancient Annunaki gods) are embellished with details of the history of the Anunnaki. Noah loaded up the Ark with two of every animal and put his own family onboard. This was his time, therefore, and The Wars of Gods and Men told by Sitchin was in large part Marduk’s attempts to wrest control from Enlil, and the Anunnaki who supported the latter. My opinion, is make up your own mind, and do your own research. Anu and Antu bore Enki (Lord of the Earth and Waters). Enlil represents the eternal soul who is using the immortal Anunnaki god role during the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages. He married Eresh-kigal, the Queen of the Netherworld, the daughter of Nanna and Ningal (i.e. ( Log Out /  (I.e. It is also mentioned in the tablets of Lord Enki that how civilization came into existence on Earth. Because the tablets are fragmentary, bits and pieces of the story are missing. Even more crucial to the plot was  the fact that Inanna was also a favourite of the supreme Anu. 2. There are a number of Sumerian texts which feature a great flood in one form or another. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Explained Are the Protocols a Forgery? Like Prometheus, Enki tends to stand up for the human race in conflict with the gods. This is also my Internet Online Research business were I syndicate conspiracy theories. In fact, the Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki (later called the ‘Court of the Elohim’) is mentioned in Psalm 82 wherein Jehovah makes his bid for supreme power over the other gods. Thankfully, his mother Antu, also known as “Nammu,” is able to communicate with him. The solution that was proposed by the Anunnaki Alien God Enki was to create a genetic hybrid Slave to take over the work of the Igigi which resulted in the creation of humans. Note that “Tablet of Destinies” is the proper name for this object. The Sumerian god’s name means Lord of the Earth. Inanna’s sister), and the mother of Lilith (who became handmaiden to Inanna, her maternal aunt). Enki is also known as Ea in Babylonian and Akkadian mythology. Inanna’s sister), and the mother of, By some accounts, Inanna was also the granddaughter of Enki (as well as Enlil). Following his birth, Enlil cleaved the earth from heaven. For the fact remains that, circa 1950 B.C.E., after Enlil’s son, Ninurta, had failed to rally the Anunnaki troops on his own behalf — and thoroughly bombed on his venture to Sodom and Gomorrah — Marduk finally got his chance. In the beginning, we find that Anu, Enlil, Enki and Nin-khursag have created human beings. Enlil is YHWH for most of the old testement however Enki represents himself as such in Genesis and exodus. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. A common thread emerges in all these cultures separated by many thousands of miles and thousands of years in some cases. Copy Rights Post by Coming back around to the flood story, Enki wasn’t too pleased when he discovered Enlil planned to wipe out the race he’d created. Source: JESUS: MANY TAKES; Son of Enki, Fractal of the Creator, Essene Teacher, Universal Archetype, Enlightened Human, Enemy of Anunnaki Dominator Religion? Enlil knew early on, that a pound of good Public Relations effort is worth a ton of truth. After the waters began to recede, he released the animals to repopulate the planet. The orbiting Anunnaki surveyed the flood’s results. I want everybody who came by this Blog to be enlightened on the world we live in and to come away with just a little bit more knowledge. The Sumerians believed that, until Enlil was born, heaven and earth were inseparable. In an all out war of Enki’s humans against Enlil’s humans — complete with all manner of diplomatic subterfuge in the mix — Sodom and Gomorrah took the brunt of the action and were destroyed. the Hebrew year 3600 BCE when the Enlil would return and again communicate with his people in the cleansed temple and certain other enigimatically conveyed events had occurred. Thanks for coming by. Enlil ran the gold transshipment to Nibiru and led the ENLILITES, the dominant lineage on Earth. Another son of Enlil and Ninlil was Nergal (Meslamtaea), King of the Underworld. C’est le cas du Livre des guerres de Yahvé et du Livre de Jasher(« Livre de la justice »), qui sont spécifiquement mentionnés dans la Bible : 1. As the god of weather, this was easy for him to do. ( Log Out /  As with many other polytheistic religions, the Sumerian pantheon consists of a number of gods who are all related to one another. And it had the decided advantage of prepping the Anunnaki for Enki’s take over about 600 B.C.E., when the Age of Pisces began. In the Eridu Genesis, this hero is Atra-hasis. MUST WATCH! In any case, according to many texts, Enlil was in possession of the Tablet for a long time, which made him supreme ruler of the universe, surpassing even Anu.

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